Monday, March 21, 2011

Gods and Sake

I was looking into all sorts of mythology from different countries and cultures today for quite some time. I was trying to find the deity from each that I relate with the most.

I realized that these gods were all nonsense. The power to do what we think is best, and to live our lives does not lie in some strange deities, and never has. It is interesting how much clout these ancient mythologies had over people. 

Out of them all, I really only felt one of these really had good meaning. The ancient Chinese writings all pushed toward a valorous and peaceful life, most were supposedly people that had once lived who had left a strong mark and were raised onto a pillar of "godhood".

Either way this is a much stronger message to be sent. Men have what they need to survive. They do not need the backing of false hope... hope is just a word for the strength to carry on and succeed, which resides in us all.

So to try and make this relevant again, i will bring up some Eastern drinks... Rice wine!

I have only had one Chinese rice wine and it was (to be honest) a bit rough. I think I found out later that it was actually cooking wine labeled as something different. 

Japanese sake however is an area I have more expertise in. Brewed like beer, but treated like wine. Spores are used to create the perfect sake's along with yeast and rice. 

The polish of the rice is what results in the quality. More polished rice creates higher quality and more refined sake.

I will post some more about sake when I am more awake. 

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