Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Wonders of Drinking

During the last excursion of drinking, which was based solely around Sake, I and the boys from The Beer Party Show enjoyed many find quality rice wine beverages.

I did a post in March last year about the wonders of this drink. Click the picture to read it.

Now, for those of you who have consumed mass quantities of any beverage, you know the consequences. We all have been in that place of disgrace and discomfort known as (being so mentally beyond repair that everything you do seems like a great idea, even though it isn't) drunk.

Sake for our particular group, is known to do this... times one million! Our perception of right and wrong disappears and we start doing dumb ass shit (to put it bluntly).

We worked our way through the styles of Sake:

Junmai Ginjo
Junmai Daiginjo

There were others but we didn't have access to them.

By the end of the night, not only had we burned our beards with lighters, and smashed a few heads against brick walls, but had been blasted point blank in the face with mono ammonium phosphate... also known as dry fire extinguisher.

Fire and brimstone that shit hurt. Either way the night was a huge success and you should check out the show once we have it up at:

Kanpai mother-f**kers!

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