Friday, March 30, 2012

New Blog

Apologies for not posting as often. I am in the very slow process of transitioning to an actual domain, separate from blogspot.

My new domain will be even more simple,!

Now I know this will make things slightly more confusing if you are used to checking out my blogspot page, but I will keep it active for a while until everything is finished.

Drink up!

EDIT: Go to my new website!!

1 comment:

  1. Webmaster,

    We hope you will be understanding and receptive of our request for help.
    Our former SEO management company engaged in troubling practices that violated Google’s Terms of Service.
    These practices including the use of harmful backlinks, which are damaging to the search engine ranking of and possibly your own website.
    To solve this problem, we ask that you eliminate the backlinks to from these locations on your website:

    Your courteous aid in this matter, is greatly appreciated.
