Thursday, December 8, 2011

Brooklyn Concoction

The consumption of delicious and enticing brews is what being a beer aficionado is all about. Broadening one's horizons and expanding one's palate is something any beer explorer should be open to.

Condemning a beer just because it is not the kind you enjoy, is just plain ignorant.

If you are looking to expand your taste buds, don't just limit yourself to beer, but taste wine and spirits, and also any foods that you have never had. These things will allow you to understand better the flavors you experience in your beer.

I bring all this up because I was enjoying some good ol' Brooklyn beer recently when I saw The Concoction on tap. Not knowing what it was I ordered it.

The smell was like extremely tart hops. I was a little confused by this but took a sip anyways. I felt at first like I was licking vapor rub... the flavors of menthol and camphor were off the wall.

After a few more sips I started realizing what I was tasting. Peated malts and lemon at first, followed by the honey. This recipe mimics the famous Scotch based cocktail "Penicillin".

I went to Anvil, the well-known cocktail bar in Houston, and did a side-by-side tasting of The Concoction and Penicillin. After a couple sips, they seemed almost identical.

Way to go Brooklyn!

Don't be afraid to try new things. If you are, you are just holding yourself back. Step over your own boundaries and show up when you would rather just sit around.

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