I recently brewed two beers up with my brew-buddy.
We made a Rye-Ipa that was almost too simple to brew, and a smoked red.
The one I want to focus mainly on is the Red, because not only did we smoke the malts ourselves, we used partial-mash (bag technique) and I would like to explain how we did it.
First, we smoked the malts, and since we did not have a smoker, we jury-rigged a Turkey pan and some foil, and smoke the wood chips in an open grill.
The next step we took was to clip our grain bag (or a cheap laundry bag from the store) to just hover above the bottom of the pot. This way the grains don't burn for the hour long temperature maintaining spree. We also kept our thermometer clipped in to monitor these readings.
We used a large rubber band to keep the bag floating.
After brewing was complete, we wanted to make sure that any of the grain that sneaked through our bag was filtered. We used a simple colander for this.
The result? A carboy full of delicious smoked red just waiting to be bottled. The main complication that arose was lack of bottle caps. I realized today when I was getting ready to bottle that I forgot to buy bottle caps. This of course puts a damper on my bottling so I will have to postpone a while longer.