Thursday, November 17, 2011

Houston Beer Week

Well, this week so far has been a success. I have networked and met some pretty bad ass brewmasters, consumed large amounts of good beer, had a hangover for the past three days, and am just plum tired.

So many events are happening and I have so many more I am going to attend!

If you are coming into this week late, here is the website to check what else is happening and what is coming up this weekend.

Remember, drive safely. I am on the road too and don't feel like having to look out for drunk asses!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Smoked Malts

There was once a time when malts were dried over open flame. These were harsh times, and the beers created were smoky as hell.

This did not stop our ancestors however, and they continued to make unintentionally smoky beer until one day, someone decided to dry their malts with a kiln. This kept the malts from becoming smoky and burnt.

One country still makes smoked beers however... Germany.

They make such beers as Rauchbier and Roggenbier, in which the malts are intentionally dried over open flame. These styles were not widely accepted until recently, and now the smoked beers are appearing more on the market.

I as well am going to smoke my own malts and attempt to make a couple smoked beers. This process will of course begin when I have the funds to buy all the new equipment and ingredients I need... Damn.

Either way, I will be brewing a smoked red and a Roggenbier. I will experiment and see how different smoking procedures affect the malts.

Status updates will be posted.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The easy-cleanse

Looking for a cheap alternative to those expensive gut cleansers?

Then look no further!

Flush your pipes with a six pack of tall boys!

Any cheap ass beer will do. Start by opening all six cans and slamming them as quickly as possible. Then sit back and enjoy the ride.

The cheapest Colon cleansing on the market.

Doctor approved!