Throughout my many beers on the path to enlightenment, I have noticed a trend in my taste buds that are worth noting.
My first craft beer was Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. This particular pale ale, is super hoppy and delicious. The hops are just perfectly balanced with the malts to give a good bitterness but not overwhelming enough to take away form the refreshing aspect.
Oddly enough this beer pairs very well with creamy chicken ramen, but that is getting off topic.
This started my hop craze, where I worked from the most basic pale ales to the craziest of imperial and double IPA's. At some point however, I noticed that I was enjoying these hoppy beers less and less, until I had stopped drinking them all together and had replaced them with super malty beers like stouts.
This phase lasted a few months when I just decided, "Hey I am just sick of these super malty beers". Word for word I imagine.
I then started drinking many light styles of beers, including lagers, pilsners, and oddly wheats. This, as the others had, lasted a few months and I started drinking the good old hoppy beers that started it all once again. I am now starting to crave heavy malty beers, so I am using my logical mind and saying that this is my taste cycle.
I get tired of one style and go for another, oddly enough they follow a trend. Some people find that this lines up with the seasons. Hoppy beers in the spring, light beers in the summer, heavy beers in the winter and seasonal releases all other times. Not for me but it makes sense.
What is your beer cycle?